torek, 18. november 2014

Let's party!

Kot se pred daljšim odhodom spodobi, sva tudi midva pripravila poslovilno zabavo preden odpotujeva na drugi konec sveta. Nekateri so prišli, drugi niso in nekateri so naju presenetili. Dobila sva "kovček", ki nama bo pomagal preživeti na Novi Zelandiji.

Tudi vsebina ni bila nič manj presenetljiva: majici z odtisom rok prijateljev, copati (desni s silhueto Slovenijie in levi s silhueto NZ) in pa mali steklenički z "rodno grudo". Zaradi te zemljice naju sicer lahko zadržijo na meji, a važen je namen in najini pogledi ob prejetju paketa, primerljivi s tistimi, ko veverica najde lešnik. Zaradi vseh teh pozornosti in nepozabnih trenutkov, ki smo jih preživeli tisti večer, vas bova še bolj pogrešala.

In kaj se je še dogajalo? Poleg slastnih pic, neonskih kegljev, nogometnih žogic in še česa, se je morda tisti večer rodila tudi nova ljubezen. ;)

As it is proper to throw a goodbye party before going to the other side of the world, so we did it. Some of our friends came, some didn't and some of them surprised us. We got a "suitcase" which will help us survive in New Zealand.

The content was also surprising: we got T-shirts with hand-prints of our friends, slippers (the right slipper has a silhouette of Slovenia and the left one has a silhouette of NZ) and two little bottles which contain Slovenian earth. Although we can be restrained on the border because of this soil, it's the purpose that counts, and also our faces when we saw this present, which can be compared to the face of a squirrel when it finds a hazelnut. Due to all of this kind thoughts and unforgettable moments, which we spent that evening, we will miss you even more.

And what else was going on? Besides delicious pizzas, neonlight bowling skittles, little football balls and many more, maybe that night also new love was born. ;)

petek, 14. november 2014

And the countdown began ...

Še slab mesec naju loči od odhoda na konec sveta. Deželo, dlje od Nove Zelandije bi pravzaprav res že težko našla, čeprav imava tudi nekaj takšnih podvigov v načrtu. Ampak vse ob svojem času. Najprej pride na vrsto dežela kivijev, dežela dolgega belega oblaka, dežela, kjer so hobiti doma, ... Veliko je prispodob, ki opisujejo Novo Zelandijo, med drugim je tudi ta, ki je meni najljubša: Evropa v malem. Daleč bova a na nek način tako blizu. Morje, gore, vulkane, gejzire, jezera, neskončne travnike in velemesta najdemo namreč tudi na našem kontinentu. Tudi zaradi tega naju ni strah odhoda, ker veva, da bova na vsakem koraku lahko videla nekaj domačega, a hkrati nekaj popolnoma novega. Njihov način življenja, drugačen odnos med ljudmi, želja po osamosvojitvi in po novih dogodivščinah pa je tisto, kar naju najbolj žene stran. Morda se še vrneva, morda ne, težko je predvideti. Toda karkoli se bo zgodilo, bo dobro; največ bi namreč tvegala, če ne bi tvegala in ostala doma.

Only a couple of weeks is ahead of us before we go to the end of the world. We would hardly find a land which is further than New Zealand, although we already have some similar escapades on our mind. But let's go step by step. First we go to Kiwiland, to the land of the long white cloud, to the land of Hobbits, ... There are many metaphores which are describing New Zealand, my favourite is this one: Little Europe. We'll be far away but in a way also so close. Sea, mountains, volcanoes, geyser, lakes, endless meadows and metropolis can be seen also on our continent. We're not afraid of leaving because we know, that at each step we'll take we'll see something familiar, but at the same time something completely new. Their lifestyle, different attitude towards people, a wish to become more independent and to experience new adventures - these are the most important reasons that are driving us away. Maybe we'll return, maybe not, it's hard to predict. But whatever happens, it will be good; we would risk the most, if we wouldn't risk at all and stay at home.