Torej, nisva še na drugem koncu sveta, a vseeno že tako daleč, da si ne moremo pomahati. Od 8.12., od okoli 9h sva že sama v širnem svetu. Sedaj, tukaj v Taipeju ne veva točno kateri dan je, niti koliko je ura, a veva, da sva v letalu preživela 12 ur. In kakšna je statistka na osebo? Trije filmi, kosilo, večerja, dve kavi, tableta proti budnosti in nepozabna dogodivščina: sprehodi do toalet, rekreacija in pol.
So, we are not on the other side of the world yet, but still so far we can’t wave. Since 8.12. from around 9 am we are already all alone in the wide world. Here in Taipei we don’t know which day is it actually or what is the time, all we know is that we spent 12 hours on the airplane. And what is the statistics per person? Three movies, lunch, dinner, two coffees, sleeping pill and unforgettable adventure: a walk to the toilet.
So, we are not on the other side of the world yet, but still so far we can’t wave. Since 8.12. from around 9 am we are already all alone in the wide world. Here in Taipei we don’t know which day is it actually or what is the time, all we know is that we spent 12 hours on the airplane. And what is the statistics per person? Three movies, lunch, dinner, two coffees, sleeping pill and unforgettable adventure: a walk to the toilet.
Letališče v Taipeju
Airport in Taipei
Airport in Taipei
Izpolnila sva tudi že prvi obrazec, da nimava ebole, čeprav po takem letu ravno ne moreš dajati zdravega vtisa. No, vseeno lahko zapustiva letališče in se prosto gibljeva po državi.
We also checked our first form and confirmed we don’t have ebola although after such a long flight one can’t exactly look very healthy. However, we can leave airport and move freely around country.
We also checked our first form and confirmed we don’t have ebola although after such a long flight one can’t exactly look very healthy. However, we can leave airport and move freely around country.
Prva kava in jutranje čtivo
First coffee and morning reading
Ker imava do naslednjega leta še 14 ur, se bova podala še na popoldansko dogodivščino, kjer bova poleg Taipeja obiskala še 4. najvišjo stavbo na svetu, Taipei 101.
We have 14 hours until our next flight so by then we will visit the capital of Taiwan and the 4th highest building in the world, Taipei 101.
We have 14 hours until our next flight so by then we will visit the capital of Taiwan and the 4th highest building in the world, Taipei 101.
Taipei 101, 509 m
Deževen dan, zelo običajen dan v Taipeju.
Rainy day, very common day in Taipei.
Skulptura Roberta Indiane, ki stoji pred zgradbo Taipei 101.
Robert Indiana Love sculpture in front of Taipei 101
Živjo,z vrha najvišje stavbe se vidi direktno v Kranj, tako da se lahko vidimo in si pomahamo! Uživajta in naberita si novih moči še za naslednji polet.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAvtor je odstranil ta komentar.
OdgovoriIzbriši汉语(漢語 (kje pa so vsi Kitajci ??)
IzbrišiNa Kitajskem? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNa Taivanu živi 25mio Kitajcev, na vajinih fotografijah pa nobenega...