petek, 12. december 2014

''Relax, take it easy''

To so Nejčeve besede, ki jih slišim vsaj 2-krat na dan, ko začnem preveč polnit najin urnik z željam, kaj vse si morava ogledati, kaj vse morava še urediti … ''Stop, relax,'' zlij se z okolico. :) Pa še prav ima, tukaj bova celo leto in ni potrebe, da hitiva. A sva kljub temu že v treh dneh obkljukala dve večji formalnosti, ki sta pogoj, da sploh lahko začneva delat, in sicer sva si v desetih minutah kar na pošti uredila davčno številko in odprla sva bančna računa - to bi bilo sicer brez priporočila najine gostiteljice težko urediti tako hitro, ker nimava stalnega naslova. No, ampak najpomembnejša must do-ja sta za nama, kar je zelo pomembno, ker se bližajo prazniki, ko se vse zapre, ljudje zbežijo iz mesta in edino, kar človeku preostane, če želi v tem obdobju karkoli urediti, je, da počaka novo leto. Ampak tukaj čaka še malo dlje kot v Sloveniji; najina gostiteljica nama je zaupala, da podjetje, v katerem dela, začne ponovno poslovati šele 19. januarja. Ne, ni jim hudo.

These are the words which I hear from Nejc at least two times per day when I start filling our schedule too much with wishes of things which we have to see, things we have to do ... ''Stop, relax,'' just melt in. And he’s right, we’ll be here one year and there is no need for rushing. However, in three days since we’ve been here we already checked two major formalities, two conditions, if we want to work: our IRD number and we opened a bank account – without the recommendation of our hostess this would take some more time, because we don’t have a permanent address. But all the important “must do” are done which is rather important because the holiday is coming when everything shuts down, people run from the city and the only thing you can do in this time is to wait until next year. Although here one must wait a little longer than in Slovenia; the company in which our hostess is working will not start to operate before the 19th of January. Not bad at all.

Sky Tower in mesto jader
Sky Tower and City of Sails

Danes je sobota in tukaj sva četrti dan. Celotno pot do sem bom opisala tako: za zjokat naporna, ampak poplačana takoj, ko sem zagledala novozelandska tla. Vlažne oči so me opozorile na to, da se mi je izpolnila dolgotrajna želja in to je bil res neopisljiv občutek sreče.

Today is Saturday and we’ve been here the fourth day. I will describe the entire way to here with these words: demanding as hell, but rewarded as soon as I saw the NZ ground. Wet eyes warned me that a big wish of mine came true and that was really an indescribable feeling of joy.

XXL Santa na glavni ulici, Queen St
XXL Santa on main street, Queen St

Do končnega cilja, hiše najinih gostiteljev v Devonportu, sva prišla v sredo v večernih urah in ker je bila tema, nisva vedela, kakšen pravljični razgled naju bo čakal naslednje jutro. 150 metrov stran od hiše se razteza peščena obala in nedaleč stran na morju se vidijo vulkanski otočki. Noro lepo. Samo mesto je očarljivo, butično, z majhnimi obcestnimi kavarnicami, knjigarnami, pekarnami ... in povsod prijazni ljudje, ki ti vsakič ustavijo na prehodu za pešce. Ker pri nas se moraš skoraj vreči pod avto, da ustavi.

We came to our final destination, house of our hosts in Devonport, on Wednesday evening and because it was already dark outside we didn’t know what kind of view we will have the next morning. 150 metres away from the house lies a sandy beach and from the ocean are rising volcanic islands. Just breathtaking. The city itself is charming, it has many little coffee shops, book shops and bakeries ... and kind people everywhere who always stop their car when you want to cross the road. In Slovenia one must almost throw himself in front of the car to get across the street.

Victoria Park

In Auckland? Od Devonporta je 10 minut vožnje s trajektom do tega urbanega središča z 2 milijona prebivalcev. Mešanica modernih nebotičnikov in starih opečnatih hiš naju ni pustila hladnih. Ulice so polne ljudi iz vsega sveta in ravno to mešanje različnih kultur ustvarja v mestu razgibano klimo. V četrtek sva cel dan dihala aucklandski zrak, se potepala po ulicah, a ogled mestnih znamenitosti naju še čaka. Kot sem že zgoraj napisala – nikamor se nama ne mudi, a vseeno misliva na jutri. Naslednji korak, ki naju čaka, je služba (Nejc že pošilja prošnje) in stanovanje.

And Auckland? The ferry from Devonport brings you to this urban centre in 10 minutes. The blend of modern skyscrapers and old brick houses didn’t leave us cold. The streets are full of people from all over the world and this is also one of the reasons that this city is so interesting and lively. On Thursday we were all day breathing Auckland air, roaming the streets, but the sightseeing is still ahead of us. Like I already said – we are not in a hurry, but we’re anyway thinking about tomorrow. The next step which we will take is finding a job and an apartment.

Gor, dol, gor, dol. Nekatere ulice v Aucklandu so precej strme.
Up and down, up and down. Some streets in Auckland can be really steep.

Še to: čeprav je tukaj uradno poletje, še ni pravih poletnih temperatur. Vreme je pravzaprav zelo čudno – malo oblačno, malo dežuje, potem nekaj sonca – bolj spominja na muhasto aprilsko vreme. Ampak naju sploh ne moti. Če si srečen, te očitno tudi dež ne more zmotiti. :)

One more thing: although it’s officially summer, we don’t have the real summer temperatures yet. The weather is actually very strange – cloudy, rainy, sunny – it’s more like in April when it gets really flighty. But we don’t mind this at all, because if you are happy nothing can get in your way, not even rain.

Še bloki so pisani.

Pogled na Auckland iz Devonporta
A sight on Auckland from Devonport

Peščena plaža v bližini najinega domovanja
Sandy beach near our home

Razgled iz kuhinje :)
Kitchen view :)

2 komentarja:

  1. Izkoristita vsak trenutek in uživajta lepote in zanimivosti dežele tam spodaj in spoznavajta njihove prebivalce.Verjamem, da bosta dobila tudi ustrezno stanovanje in kmalu tudi primerno službico.V torek bosta pa prvič videla tudi sonček.Objem obema!

  2. Hvala, Bojan. Ja, sončka se že res veseliva, do zdaj je le dvakrat sramežljivo pokukal izza oblakov. Pozdravček in objem tudi tebi.
