Ok, na NZ sva dober teden in če pomislim, kaj vse sva v tem času že uredila, bi rekla, da sva tukaj že vsaj en mesec. Najpomembnejši
pridobitvi sta novi telefonski številki iiin: stanovanje! No, pravzaprav je
studio oziroma praktično je hotelska soba, ampak bo pa čisto najina. Vsaj za
naslednje tri mesece. Če sem čisto natančna se bova vselila 30. decembra. In
kje naju najdete? V centru Aucklanda v hotelu Quadrant. V 14. nadstropju. Ne, ni
bila samo najina številka 14 razlog, da sva se odločila za to stanovanje, veliko prispevata tudi pogled na morje in neposredna bližina parka.
Ok, so we’ve been here for a good week and if I think how many things we did in this time, I would say that we’ve been here at least for a month. The most important achievements are new mobile numbers and: an apartment! Well, actually it’s a studio, practically it’s a hotel room, but it will be entirely ours. For at least next three months. If I am completely precise we will move in on the 30th of December. And where can you find us? In Auckland, in the Quadrant Hotel. On the 14th floor. No, we didn’t choose this place only because of our number 14, two big reasons are also ocean view and a park right next to the hotel.
Ok, so we’ve been here for a good week and if I think how many things we did in this time, I would say that we’ve been here at least for a month. The most important achievements are new mobile numbers and: an apartment! Well, actually it’s a studio, practically it’s a hotel room, but it will be entirely ours. For at least next three months. If I am completely precise we will move in on the 30th of December. And where can you find us? In Auckland, in the Quadrant Hotel. On the 14th floor. No, we didn’t choose this place only because of our number 14, two big reasons are also ocean view and a park right next to the hotel.
Do zdaj sva po Aucklandu hodila samo peš. Največ sva v enem dnevu prehodila 14 kilometrov. (Ne, to ni razgled iz najinega bodočega doma, ta še pride.)
Until now we were walking the streets of Auckland only by feet. The longest distance which we did in one day was 14 kilometers. (No, this is not a view from our future home, those pictures are coming soon.)
Until now we were walking the streets of Auckland only by feet. The longest distance which we did in one day was 14 kilometers. (No, this is not a view from our future home, those pictures are coming soon.)
Edini prevoz, ki ga uporabljava je trajekt, smer Devonport-Auckland in kontra.
The only ride which we are using is the ferry, direction Devonport-Auckland and vice versa.
The only ride which we are using is the ferry, direction Devonport-Auckland and vice versa.
then we are staying in Devonport and we’re looking after the house of our
hosts, because they will spent the rest of the year in Wellington. I think I
already mentioned that kiwis are kind and also the gesture of our hosts
(that they offered us their home, although we met only a week ago) shows how
good-hearted they are. This has proofed a couple of times also in the city; Auckland
is not so big, that one could get lost, but if you are new in town, sometimes
you have to grab a map, although you don’t get the chance to use your
orientation skills because in less than a minute someone will approach and show
you the way.
Devonport sva v enem tednu kar dobro spoznala in ga vzljubila.
In one week we fell in love with Devonport.
In one week we fell in love with Devonport.
Tudi midva bova imela božič kot se spodobi. Pod jelko naju že čaka darilo. :)
We will also have Christmas like we should. A gift for us is already waiting. :)
We will also have Christmas like we should. A gift for us is already waiting. :)
But kiwis do not stand out only because of their kindness. They have an unusual habit of which I have heard about, but once I saw this in reality, I just had to take a photo of it.
No, o tem govorim. :) In medtem, ko so nekateri bosonogi, drugi zmrzujemo v zimskih bundah. Čeprav je poletje.
This is what I'm talking about. :) And while some people are barefoot, the others are freezing in winter jackets. Although it's summer.
This is what I'm talking about. :) And while some people are barefoot, the others are freezing in winter jackets. Although it's summer.
Prijaznost na vsakem koraku. Kakšna so že opozorila pred našimi supermarketi? ''Max. dovoljen čas parkiranja 90 min.'' Spodaj pa slika pajka.
Kindness on every corner. The warnings in front of our supermarkets are saying something like this: "Maximally 90 minutes of parking is allowed."
Kindness on every corner. The warnings in front of our supermarkets are saying something like this: "Maximally 90 minutes of parking is allowed."
Za konec pa še pohutukawa, novozelandsko božično drevo, v polnem razcvetu ...
This is pohutukawa, NZ Christmas tree ...
... in sledi, ki jih po nevihti pusti.
... and its marks after a storm.
Nina, Nejc, super, vse se vama odvija po načrtih! In da sta že po dobrem tednu gospodarja v vili!! Samo da vaju enkrat že vidim brez bund na začetku poletja...Vroč objem!