Ok, zdaj gre pa čisto zares. Danes sva zadnjič spala v najinem stanovanju, jutri gremo! Noč na ponedeljek prespimo v Frankfurtu in ob 10.40h zapustiva evropska tla. Priznam, da me pri srcu vedno bolj stiska, ker ne vem, kakšne posledice bo 3-dnevno potovanje pustilo na naju, ampak hkrati sem presrečna, ker se zaključuje obdobje skrbi, ki so povezane s selitvijo iz stanovanja, z urejanjem vseh papirjev, s pakiranjem, z obveznostmi na faksu ... Če torej odmislim dolgo pot, 24 ur preživeto samo v zraku, se neizmerno veselim pustolovščin, ki naju čakajo.
In kaj vse sva, poleg praznjenja stanovanja in polnjenja kovčkov, še doživela zadnji teden v Sloveniji?
Ok, now let’s get serious. Today was the last day
that we slept in our apartment, tomorrow we are leaving! The night before Monday
we will spend in Frankfurt and at 10.40 am we will leave the European ground. I
admit that I’m getting anxious because I don’t know what kind of consequence we
will have after three days of travelling, but at the same time I am overjoyed
because the period of worries (which are connected with moving out of the apartment,
arranging all the papers, packing, some last obligations at school ...) is
ending. So, if I disregard the long way to NZ, which we will spend at least 24
hours in the air, I am very excited of all the adventures which are ahead of
what else did we do the last week in Slovenia beside emptying our apartment and
filling our suitcases.
1. Imela sem čast postati priča svoji priči.
1. I became a maid of honour to my
maid of honour.
2. Verjamem, da imajo tudi na NZ dobre burgerje, ampak doma je samo en, ob katerem ostaneva brez besed, zato sva si ga še zadnjič letos privoščila.
2. I believe that there are many great burgers in
NZ, but at home there is only one, that leaves us speechless, so we had to grab
it one last time.
3. Težko slovo, ampak sva pomirjena, ker sta v dobrih rokah.
3. It was hard to say goodbye, but
we are calm because we know that they are in good hands.
4. Kot velika navdušenca nad deli S. Dalija, seveda nisva mogla preskočit razstave na Gospodarskem razstavišču.
4. As a big enthusiasts of S. Dali work we couldn’t miss his show in Ljubljana.
4. As a big enthusiasts of S. Dali work we couldn’t miss his show in Ljubljana.
5. Ni babičina, je pa ena izmed boljših govejih juh kar sva jih jedla. V gostilni Pr' Krvin v Tržiču.
5. It’s not our grandmother’s, but it’s one of the best beef soups which we had. In a restaurant Pr’ Krvin in Tržič.
5. It’s not our grandmother’s, but it’s one of the best beef soups which we had. In a restaurant Pr’ Krvin in Tržič.
6. Vmes pa samo tole.
6. Meanwhile only this.
6. Meanwhile only this.
Nasvidenje do naslednjič, ko bova že na cilju. :)
Goodbye till next time when we will already reach our destination. :)
Goodbye till next time when we will already reach our destination. :)
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